Thursday, 22 December 2011

Yana Against Bakey Jr. - Part 2

Last call for our contest! You have only one day to send us your work, so don't waste time anymore!

Last time we left Yana and Bakey Jr. in a fight. Children are more impulsive, this is why adults have to take care of them and they must set a good example... or maybe not! Simmy's adventures in the 70s continue, but they are going to reach a conclusion with the Christmas special, so stay tuned!


  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Tom Baker!!~ <3

  2. sladkieteplyenochi23 December 2011 at 03:16

    Hahah! That's way too cute! >w<

  3. Aah, I'm so happy you've started going into Classic Series characters! I love Four and Six...and they make such /cute/ Comic Who chibis!!! ^_^ I wonder if Delgado or any of the other older Masters will show up... :]

  4. Oh my gods! That's.... That's so epic and adorkable!!!

  5. not the greatest comic ever....

  6. That we just too cute <3
    I love the expressions on baby Yana and Baker Jr.s faces in the last panel <3

  7. I always wonder what would have happened if Tom Baker's Doctor met Roger Delgado's Master...

    1. BTW, you should continue to do more Classic Doctors. I positively loved Pertwee from your Sarah Jane tribute comic.

    2. BTW, you should continue to include more Classic Doctors. I absolutely loved #3 from your Sarah Jane tribute comic.


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